Understanding the Importance of Disability Employment Awareness Month in Durham Region

Understanding the Importance of Disability Employment Awareness in Durham Region
October marks National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) in Canada, a time to raise awareness and promote inclusion for individuals with disabilities in the workforce. For Durham Region, where a significant population of residents lives with disabilities, this awareness month carries particular relevance. According to a 2017 report, 28.7% of the population over 15 years old in the Oshawa CMA had one or more disabilities.
People with disabilities often face a range of challenges when entering or remaining in the workforce. Social barriers such as stigma, stereotypes, and lack of understanding among employers, combined with systemic barriers like limited transportation, lack of accessible workplaces, and inadequate inclusive education systems, exacerbate these challenges.
However, these obstacles also present growth opportunities for individuals and businesses. Durham Region has a growing business environment, which includes many organizations prioritizing diversity and inclusivity in their workforce. By actively engaging with NDEAM, local businesses can help address barriers to employment for people with disabilities and unlock a talented, underrepresented workforce.
Throughout NDEAM, residents and businesses in Durham can participate in educational events, share resources, and review their hiring practices to be more inclusive. Durham’s local economy can thrive by supporting and hiring people with disabilities, leading to a more diverse and vibrant community.