
Understanding the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

NAICS stands for the North American Industry Classification System. It was developed jointly by Canada, the U.S., and Mexico to provide a consistent framework for …

Explore a Career in Agriculture with

Finding the right career in the agriculture industry can be challenging, but offers a wealth of resources to guide you through the process. Whether …

Red Tape & Roadblocks 2024

Red Tapes and Road Blocks: No-choice choices Imagine being on the verge of being homeless with your dog staring up at you, looking for its …

Drones in Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture is the precise management of crops to increase production and sustainability. Some of the technologies used in precision agriculture include GPS, drones, and high-quality soil sampling to manage variability in crop production.

Precision Agriculture Event at Algoma Orchards

According to Kirk Kemp of Algoma Orchards, the addition of technology on the farm does not take jobs away but rather the Algoma packing plant has two and half times more people working there because the technology allows the company to take on more work.

Employment by NOC

The monthly Labour Force Survey is released on the first Friday of the first full week of the month with data for the previous month. It provides crucial information at the national and provincial levels, with some data available on economic regions, census sub-divisions, and census metropolitan areas.

Data Walk 2024

The Durham Workforce Authority (DWA) annually hosts the Data Walk, an interactive forum for community stakeholders, residents, researchers, program administrators, government officials, and service providers to discuss research about their community. The Data Walk will occur at Club Lorely on October 25th at 9:30 a.m. and registration is free.

DWA Data is Best When Presented

The DWA team works hard to improve the availability of labour market information by getting out and presenting to groups throughout the Region.   As Executive Director Heather McMillan often says, “We are all about the share!”

Durham Farm Connections 2024 Precision Agriculture Day

The Durham Workforce Authority (DWA) will partner with Durham Farm Connections for its Precision Agriculture Day, which will be held on Tuesday, May 28th, at …

How Volunteering Boosts Your Career

For National Volunteer Week, the DWA is exploring the transformative power of volunteering and how it shapes people into well-rounded professionals.  Volunteering isn’t just about doing good deeds.  It can be a strategic step towards enhancing your skill set and developing connections that support your personal and professional growth.