Labour Market Information (LMI) Video Series

Here at DWA, we have created a video series all about LMI to inform the community about the importance of LMI and to provide Employment Ontario Service Providers, Economic Development and Chambers of Commerce, Community Partners, Employers, and Job Seekers with access to timely LMI data and analysis.

The 11 videos include, but are not limited to: the eight indicators, the monthly labour force survey data for Oshawa CMA, local custom data that are legacy pieces from the LEPC, and other critical pieces of labour market information in an accessible format.

For educators wanting to share this information with their students, we have prepared a short assignment/worksheet to accompany the videos, which can be downloaded here. To receive a copy of the answer key, or to request a presentation on local LMI from our team,  please email from your email account issued by your employer.

Click any of the titles below to watch the video, or click here to view the whole playlist!

1. Definition of CMA

2. Key Components of Labour Fore Survey

3. Labour Market Information

4. DWA 101

5. Canadian Business Count

6. Durham Region Key Sectors Overview

7. Durham Region Key Sectors and Employment Levels (1/2)

8. Durham Region Key Sectors and Employment Levels (2/2)

9. Basic Labour Market Indicators Overview

10. Basic Labour Market Indicators (1/2)

11. Basic Labour Market Indicators (2/2)