Employment by NOC
The monthly Labour Force Survey is released on the first Friday of the first full week of the month with data for the previous month. It provides crucial information at the national and provincial levels, with some data available on economic regions, census sub-divisions, and census metropolitan areas.
NOC codes play an important role in classifying occupations, and this data is used to compile, analyze, and communicate information about occupations. The NOCs are a nationally accepted system of describing the different occupations of Canadians. The NOC system organizes over 30,000 different occupations into a numerical system that is then used when collecting data, organizing information and analyzing labour market information. NOCs organize occupations into 4-digit codes, with each digit being an aspect of the career. With each digit of the NOC code, the occupation is further specified.
The first digit is the skill type of the occupation, which is based on the type of work performed, the training or experience needed, and the industry of employment. The second digit represents the skill level, which directly relates to the type and/or amount of training or education typically required.
The Labour Force Survey releases the monthly unemployment rate and unemployment by National Occupation Code (NOC) at the two-digit level.
There were increases in health, (14-19 percent), art, culture, recreation and sport, (5-8 percent) and in manufacturing and utilities (9-12 percent).
There were slight decreases in management (23-20 percent) and natural and applied sciences (25-24 percent).
The biggest change from January to April was in sales and service occupations, except management, which dropped from 53 percent in January to 45 percent in April.
The DWA will continue to review this data set monthly.
Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0430-01 Employment by occupation, census metropolitan areas, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality