DWA Presents at the DLIP

As a long-standing proud member of the DLIP, the DWA executive director recently presented the Jobs First Durham data portal and the job search tool for the members in attendance.
The presentation was well received, and several members have asked for presentations at their local offices to their staff. As well, the DWA has shared the presentation here.
The Durham Local Immigration Partnership (DLIP) is a network of over 100 community partners, including settlement and non-settlement service providers, agencies, organizations and institutions, committed to the vision of a welcoming Durham Region where immigrants belong and contribute socially, culturally and economically.
The DLIP works to foster more welcoming communities by enhancing the coordination of services and partnerships designed to improve the settlement and inclusion outcomes of immigrants and all residents. Members of the Council are drawn from diverse sectors of the community representing agencies, institutions, local business groups and the Region. The DLIP works with community stakeholders to create welcoming communities across Durham Region.
The DLIP conducts its work with many local partners according to the principles of Co-ordination, Collaboration and Co-operation.
Visit Jobs First Durham to learn more about available job searching tools. To learn more about DLIP, visit their website here.