Data Walk 2024

The Durham Workforce Authority (DWA) annually hosts the Data Walk, an interactive forum for community stakeholders, residents, researchers, program administrators, government officials, and service providers to discuss research about their community.

Researchers, program administrators, and policymakers are accustomed to presentations full of technical jargon and graphics that community residents and practitioners may perceive as intimidating, confusing, and patronizing.

We are not so good at sharing them with our community in a way that will help the community gain a comfort level with the breadth and depth of the data and how communities can use this solid research for their own work.

The event’s goals are to share data and findings with the community, foster a shared understanding of labour market information held by the DWA, and inform, engage and empower community members to gain understanding and comfort with local labour market information.

There will be data posters around the room. Participants will be divided into groups, and each group will give a short presentation on the data in the posters.

The event starts with a brief introduction, discussion, and then questions for the group to help guide them through the data.

The DWA has presented a variety of data in previous data walks, such as:

  • Employment Data, Top Occupations, Top Sectors, Employer Survey, Employee Survey, Durham Under 30 Survey, EO data, Apprenticeship data, Immigrant data
  • Residents’ responses from the DWA Employer Survey, DWA Employee Survey, DWA Durham Under 30
  • Characteristics of target populations such as race, income, percentage of English language learners

The event is open to everyone in Durham Region, particularly members of Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development, all three levels of government, student leaders, education institutions and School Boards, Community Support organizations and People with lived experience.

The Data Walk will occur at Club Lorely on October 25th at 9:30 a.m.  Registration is free and can be completed below.